Sunday, June 23, 2013

My Brother

My brother died last week.  He led a hard life and had been sick for a long time.  I shed tears at his passing, and I send forth smiles at the knowledge that has woken up in a better world.  One day we shall meet again, Michael.  Little brother, I have written this poem for you.

My Brother's Journey
Life's journey is a mystery,
Winding path to heaven's love.
Our lives are each a story
Which ends far up above.
My brother's path led downwards,
Down to years of pain.
His steps were merely shuffles.
The road  was dark with rain.
Yet deep within his spirit,
His fire was carefully kept.
His love, his passion, glowing,
His brilliance merely slept.
Today his eyes do sparkle,
His mind is filled with fun.
He walks that world where all shall go,
The paths of angel-land.
    Patrick Alan Rose,  Nov 25, 2008

Michael Denis Rose clip
Originally published Nov. 25, 2008.

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